Registration Number: N6765N
Serial Number: 680088
Total Time: 6129 Total Time
Engine Time: 75 Hours SMOH, Lycoming 0-360, 180 HP
Prop Time: 75 SPOH on non-AD Hartzell two blade
Annual Due: October 2022
Useful Load: 906 lbs
Garmin 175 Color WAAS GPS
Garmin 335 Transponder with ADSB
G2 Insight engine monitor
Narco Nav 122 Glide slope/VOR/Localier indicator
Narco Nav 122 Glide slope/VOR/Localier indicator
TKM MX 11 Digital Com
Hypervox four place intercom
Outside air temp gauge
Avionics master switch
Manual Gear
52 gallons fuel capacity
LED landing light
One piece windshield
Lower cowl closure speed mod
Split back rear adjustable seats
Wingtip strobes
Bracket air filter
Cream leather front seats with blue fabric rear seats. Matching side panels, tan headliner. All in good condition. Rated 7 out of 10.
Overall white with dark and light blue accents in traditional Mooney scheme. Very well detailed and in very good condition. Rated 8 out of 10.
Cpmplete logs, no hail. Gear-up in 1974 due to off airport landing afrwer an engine failure. The G model M20 is a stretched C model with 52 gallons. Just like the F model is the streched E model. This plane is 9 inches longer than an M20C and is the same dimendions as a 201 or M20J. Reliable and trustworthy manual gear. Economical speed in these times of high gas prices. Located in Dallas area.